Khamis, 25 Februari 2010

Breastfeeding Positive for Mother and Child

Many mothers might put their child`s health first, and a natural beginning is healthy for both children and their mothers.

For years, doctors have recommended breastfeeding as the healthiest way to feed babies. A new study suggests breastfeeding isn`t just making the baby stronger, it`s protecting the mother`s body as well.

Doctors can agree breast milk is the best nutrition for a new baby. It contains the most natural vitamins, nutrients, proteins and fatty acids that help babies develop and grow. There are also antibodies in breast milk which help to fight infection. While formula imitates these things, it doesn`t provide the same nourishment and protection as breastmilk.

But babies aren`t the only ones reaping nature`s benefits. New research from the women`s health initiative shows that women who breast feed are less likely to develop high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes or cardiovascular disease when they are older.

Within the last several years, cardiovascular disease has become the most significant contributor to mortality in women. This may have huge implications for us as women who are living to longer ages.

Breastfeeding also protects women against the main female cancers: breast, endometrial and ovarian. It increases bone density and may reduce the risk of osteoporoses.

Not everyone is capable or chooses to breastfeed. There are other alternatives to reduce cardiovascular disease in women and ways to protect babies from infection.

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