Khamis, 25 Februari 2010

How do I get breastfeeding started?

Offer your baby the breast soon after he's born - babies are sometimes very alert at this time and feed well. But it doesn't matter if all your baby wants to do is to lick a little and enjoy the loving, close cuddle he gets when you hold him in your arms this way. A nurse / midwife should help you find a comfortable position, and talk to you about how you can help your baby get 'latched on' so he feeds effectively and doesn't make your nipples sore.

Your baby needs a wide open mouth to take in your breast - remember, bring your baby onto the breast, and don't try to 'slot' your nipple in! You and your baby will get better and better at this, and you shouldn't be downhearted if you don't get it right at first.

Feed your baby as often as he seems to want it. Keep him close to you - next to you in bed, snuggled up against your skin. That way you will both get plenty of 'feeding practice'. It's not helpful to wait until your baby is yelling loudly before you feed – no-one learns well when they're upset, and your baby will find it hard to get a good mouthful of breast if he is crying, because his tongue will be in the wrong position. It needs to be forward, and when he's crying, it's too far back. Always soothe and calm your baby before trying to feed him in these early days. Never try to force him on the breast.

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